Workshops with @workroomprds – signing up

Here's the plan...

I’ll run a 6-week series of BlackBox Puzzle workshops on Fridays, 12 noon London time (13:00 CET). July 7, 14, 21, 28, August 4 and 11. That’s this Friday. Ulp.

We'll learn about exploring, about building models of what we find, and about checking those models.

I’ll run another 6-week series of AI and Testing workshops on Wednesdays, 2pm London time (15:00 CET). July 12, 19, 26, August 2, 9, 16.

One tool a week. We'll see where the wind takes us. I've got TeachableMachine, StableDiffusion, Cody, ChatGPT in mind – you'll see that I'm tilted towards generative AIs.

Numbers are limited. Subscribers get to sign up first. Pick a series. Email me to get your seat. I'll confirm with a link to the series page. We'll be on Zoom / Miro.

Both series are free. If you want to make a financial commitment, please help Jacob Bruce or donate to DEC.

I’ll work to keep to these dates / times. I’ll give you as much notice as I can if there’s an unexpected change.

Thank you for reading.