Stuff to Do Together

Work with colleagues to think about testing. Open-source exercises used from workshops, TestLabs, talks and tutorials.

Photo by Kimson Doan on Unsplash

It's good to learn from an activity; a provocation of some sort, a process to engage with, a moment to reflect, and a chance to share. I've built dozens of conference events and tutorials – here are frameworks for exercises that I've used. They tend to work well with groups; I hope you find them valuable when you try them with your team.

Most of these exercises arealready on my GitHub. Here, they're perhaps a bit tidied up, with some thought on how they've worked for me. Join the community to add your comments, and to learn from others.

I run several of these as short online workshops, ideal for lunch-and-learn sessions.

You'll find links to some exercises below, organised by workshop.

This page needs plenty of work; I need all the exercises linked here individually, and I need to organise thematically rather than offer a handful of bare links under an enigmatic workshop title. Each exercise will be a post on this site, and I'll run them from time to time with members.


My old exercise page contains links to Questions For Testers (not an exercise), Bulk Testing, Robot Sim (needs Flash), several Puzzles, and the paper and exercises (also need Flash) for Four Exercises for Teaching Exploratory Testing. It's out of date and incomplete, and that is one of the main reasons for moving to this site.

Workroom Productions: Exercises


Repository (currently) missing.

[JL Note: it's on `/Users/james/Documents/testing, coding/collablab-exercises`, and never got to GitHub]

Collaboration Lab
Action page / form (why have this?)

Hands-on Lab / Work and Play

Work And Play
Work and Play
Hands-On Lab – EuroSTAR 2018
Hands-on Lab

Stay Sharp

GitHub - workroomprds/StaySharp: Exercises for workshop on keeping testers interested
Exercises for workshop on keeping testers interested - GitHub - workroomprds/StaySharp: Exercises for workshop on keeping testers interested

Impro For Testers

Repository (currently) missing. Recordings stored on Bulk.

Speaker Prep

Speaker Prep Day
Speaker Prep Day – page full of exercises
GitHub - workroomprds/SpeakerPrepDay: Supporting material for Speaker Prep Day
Supporting material for Speaker Prep Day. Contribute to workroomprds/SpeakerPrepDay development by creating an account on GitHub.


OMG so much stuff over so many years. All ephemeral, most lost, some worth retrieving. Details to be added.

The TestLab · The TestLab

GitHub - workroomprds/CollabLab: For the CollabLab, ATD 2017
For the CollabLab, ATD 2017. Contribute to workroomprds/CollabLab development by creating an account on GitHub.
GitHub - workroomprds/StaySharp: Exercises for workshop on keeping testers interested
Exercises for workshop on keeping testers interested - GitHub - workroomprds/StaySharp: Exercises for workshop on keeping testers interested
GitHub - workroomprds/SpeakerPrepDay: Supporting material for Speaker Prep Day
Supporting material for Speaker Prep Day. Contribute to workroomprds/SpeakerPrepDay development by creating an account on GitHub.
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