Photo by Marvin Meyer / Unsplash

Workroom Playtime

Workshops and Talks Jan 2, 2025 (Jan 15, 2025) Loading...

Regular, short, interactive sessions for paying subscribers.

We‘ll typically run on Fridays, in Zoom / Miro. I’ll keep the group sizes small so that we can talk. We will keep sessions short – 15 minutes — though the post-workshop chat may last longer. I’ll run sessions several times if I need to, depending on busy-ness and timezones.

We’ll work on new and old stuff. In the next couple of weeks, we’ll play with a new blackbox puzzle (made by Anthropic’s LLM Claude) and have a dive into diff. After that, I imagine we’ll do something monthly with LLMs and testing tooling, we’ll have a sessions on exploration and discovery within software testing, and we’ll run bits of SpeakerPrep. We’ll find out, as we go, what works well.

I‘ll continue to offer free sessions to non-paying subscribers and everyone else.

You get at least an hour a month of testing-related playtime. Subscribe.


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